
Thursday, December 3, 2020

D.L.O about plastic Pulliution


This is what i did it was very fun. it for ages to learn how to put this on my blog.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Signs are important

 Today in ready we had to Read a story called Reading a boat and we had to Read the sings on the boat and then go on drive and write the sings  and then we had to Write if they were important or not here is the work i did. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Land pulliton

 Today in inquiry we had to study ladder and we had to do a task about Land Pullition i got a score of 8 out of 10.

Slide,Turn,Flip Math

Last week in Math we did a sheet we had to make so it slides to the other side and it would be up then right side. The other one was turn witch we had to have one of the letters up and the other one on the side after this last one i will show you the photo. After we did all that we had another one witch was flip and for flip we had one the right way and one the other way but it was flipped so it would be backwards. Here is the photo of the work we did.  

Mr Chalmers Google Jam Board

Yesterday we read about a story and then we could pick a character i picked Mr Chalmers. After that we had to make a google Jam Board and then Describe about him the story was called no body laughed. Here is a photo of the work i did. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Today we got a piece of paper and we had to write what joe did like what he has done and when we finished that we had to make a google jam board and write what he did. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Finders Keepers work

 Today in reading we reed  about Finders Keepers. this is  what we were learning about we learnt about words and what they meant. here is the photo:

This is what we did we did it on google drive on the google jam board it was easy but it took a long time to do we had to type up what glistening meant .

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Cats should be kept outside

I think cats should be able to stay outside because they need to get fit and strong, not fat. If they get fat they will not be able to walk around and stuff like that. They should be kept outside to get new friends, run around and have fun.

They also wont get cold because they have heaps of hair on their body and we don't so we will get cold. Cats also have more fun outside then inside and they can get food.

They get fresh air and inside they don't have fresh air  but it's good when they are outside so you get better fresh air. You should keep cats outside.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What effects water pollution

 What effects water pollution this is what effects it mud effects water by getting it dirty and then it will get poisoned and very dirty. When poison gets in the water it will get it all toxicity and stuff then if you drink it you might die or get very sick

Thursday, October 22, 2020

I broke my arm

 In the weekend i broke my arm how did i do that? well i fell backwords and put my hands out and it broke i was playing with my cousin and yea

Friday, September 25, 2020

The end of the term!

 In the end of the term some of our parents come into cheek our work and what we have been doing. My parent is not coming in because she has to work. There is heaps of parents that bare at our school.

Blog about making scentices better.

 Today in writing he had to make sentences better. the first sentence was the girl ran which we had to make it better like the girl ran to the dairy really angry or something like that. At the top of the writing is my photo hat i did.


We have been working on art for about 6 weeks or 5 or 4 i do not know.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Toys and games

 In technology I chose Toys and games.

First we did some research a toy to make I chose A sailing yacht

Heres my yacht we also made it out of wood and metal and other stuff.\


Thursday, August 27, 2020

The ice cream truck

Today we had to read a book and then write the settings and other stuff hears a picture of it.   

Wednesday, August 5, 2020


Today in writing we had to write about monkeys heres a photo what i did

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

School poem

Today in writing we had to write a poem about school but we needed to do silibals like this ill show you it in this photo 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Diary of a south hornby school

today in reading we had to make a front of a page for a story my story is called diray of a south hornby kid.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Acrostic poem

Today we did a acrostic poem and we got to pick a game to do and i picked fortnite because that is my favourite game. this is a photo what i did. 
comment if you like it,
thanks xD

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Today is writing we did a arcrostic poem about kittens heres a photo of what i did.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

How to know a site is fake

Today i reading we learned how to know if a site is fake if you read the comic you will know.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


We have been learning about monkeys .we read stories about monkeys. my favorite monkey is the spider monkeys. Again this is from last year just need to pst more

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What does Hoax mean

Today in Reading we did what a hoax means witch i already knew witch was good,
we had to go on a site and type i think 5 things what a hoax means. if you are wondering what a hoax means it means its like a joke or a lie. When we wright the 5 words what hoax means we needed to push submit and then it goes on a word cloud. just say i put joke and the hole class put joke that means it will be the biggest word in the word cloud. this is what it looks like now. 

Monday, June 22, 2020

Cats whiskers

Today in reading we did a bitable about cat whiskers. we had to watch a youtube video about cats whiskers then put the facts on a piece of paper then put it on a bit able or something  ales. this took about 2 weeks to do this.

Friday, June 12, 2020

making 78

what we had to do make 78 with blocks and other stuff we had a budy my budy was Tyler
this is what we did. we made 78 with money, blocks, sticks , cards and beans btw this was last year

Friday, May 29, 2020

During Lockdown

During Lockdown i played heaps of games like fortnite and like 10 minutes on Roblox because i don't really like it. I did google hangouts with my class and friends witch was kinda fun. I played fortnite with my friends Kihi Boy, Aj and Riley they all have mics witch is good so we can communicate we played some squads and creative. Bye guys *waves*

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Readin #3 i think

Today In reading we had to read a book on epic and do the quiz when you finishes the book you had to do the quiz. And today i got 100 percent ill show you are screen shot after i show you the link and now is the image .

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Digital Time

Today in home learning we did maths and we learned about time we had to do 3 tasks on a slide i did all of them it was hard i think the hardest task was task three and the easiest task was task one it was kinda fun. When we finished we had to send it to the teacher and she will cheek after the hangout.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Today in Writing we had to go on drive and go on to our task we had to delete some that we did not need any more. and then we did a slide called 6 sentences we had to look on a slide and do what it told us to then right it on another slide heres the slide to see what we did

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Online school Reading

Today in online school we had to go on the school site and click on a link to a good doc and then we copied the google doc. And then we had to read a book on the Google Doc and do a quiz that was kind of easy heres a photo of it

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Online Reading

Today we did online reading we had to read a book on epic if you want to go cheek it out heres a link you can read books and level up! after we read the book there was a quiz about the book. i got 75 percent witch is kinda good. Keep safe 

Monday, May 11, 2020

Ice Hockey

Today in online school we did reading we did a task called Ice Hockey. we made a copy on google doc and then we had to read a book that was on the doc. When we finished the book we had to do a task. We had to High light the right answer for the question. And we also had to do how many people were in the hockey games and other stuff. heres a image

Friday, May 8, 2020


Today in online school  Reading we had to go on epic and read a book called Memoirs of a Hamster after we read the book we had to do a quiz we did 15 questions of the quiz but i only got 53 percent because i was not that focus if you want to make a epic account here's a link You can also level up the more books you read!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Truth or lie comic / pixton

Today we did online school and we were doing writing we made a comic about truth or lie if you want to make one your self heres the link you can make comic. You could right speech bubble and more. in Truth or lie we had to pick two characters and one had to be you and another person who you could just randomly get so we had to inter juice our self and then we would take a set and tell them a true thing and lie. heres what i did

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

differences about a secret, bride or a trick

a Secret is always bad if someone tells you a secret and they said don't tell you should tell if it is bad so always think what they are saying then tell a adult or a teacher if its bad. The they might get in trouble even it's your friend you should still tell we got told this at school when a police came over to the school everyone was scared if they did something wrong but nobody did anything wrong he just talked about tell a adult or a teacher if its a bad secret.

Home room math

On Monday we did Homeroom math it was so fun we had groups in 5 i think we had to do math question and then show the teacher if you got it you get a different sheat  it was first to 15 was the winner. Before another group won we were only at 11 it was hard math I wonder what it will be like in high school it is going to be so hard in math so i need to practice so i can be good at math so imma practice over and over again until i think im good at math.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Number of the week

Every week in math we do a number of the week we have to solve stuff on the sheet it is hard but I finished it. this week we got to pick a number either 35,926 or 5,369 I picked 5,369 because it is easier. My friend Logan picked the 35,926 one it look so hard that's  good that i didn't pick it here a photo of my work. My easiest part was writing the next 3 numbers. The hardest was the times tables but we were allowed to use