
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Signs are important

 Today in ready we had to Read a story called Reading a boat and we had to Read the sings on the boat and then go on drive and write the sings  and then we had to Write if they were important or not here is the work i did. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Land pulliton

 Today in inquiry we had to study ladder and we had to do a task about Land Pullition i got a score of 8 out of 10.

Slide,Turn,Flip Math

Last week in Math we did a sheet we had to make so it slides to the other side and it would be up then right side. The other one was turn witch we had to have one of the letters up and the other one on the side after this last one i will show you the photo. After we did all that we had another one witch was flip and for flip we had one the right way and one the other way but it was flipped so it would be backwards. Here is the photo of the work we did.  

Mr Chalmers Google Jam Board

Yesterday we read about a story and then we could pick a character i picked Mr Chalmers. After that we had to make a google Jam Board and then Describe about him the story was called no body laughed. Here is a photo of the work i did. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


 Today we got a piece of paper and we had to write what joe did like what he has done and when we finished that we had to make a google jam board and write what he did. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Finders Keepers work

 Today in reading we reed  about Finders Keepers. this is  what we were learning about we learnt about words and what they meant. here is the photo:

This is what we did we did it on google drive on the google jam board it was easy but it took a long time to do we had to type up what glistening meant .

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Cats should be kept outside

I think cats should be able to stay outside because they need to get fit and strong, not fat. If they get fat they will not be able to walk around and stuff like that. They should be kept outside to get new friends, run around and have fun.

They also wont get cold because they have heaps of hair on their body and we don't so we will get cold. Cats also have more fun outside then inside and they can get food.

They get fresh air and inside they don't have fresh air  but it's good when they are outside so you get better fresh air. You should keep cats outside.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What effects water pollution

 What effects water pollution this is what effects it mud effects water by getting it dirty and then it will get poisoned and very dirty. When poison gets in the water it will get it all toxicity and stuff then if you drink it you might die or get very sick