
Friday, May 14, 2021

Diary entries WW1

April 15th 1915 

Dear diary Many lives have been taken but luckily i'm still alive but my best friend Isaiah died from a bomb in the middle of the battlefield. There are lots of flies and blood around the bodies. I'm exhausted from all this fighting. I wish I could go home but I need to keep fighting. I hope you guys are doing good at home. I hope I stay alive and protect you guys. From, Joe.

April 25th 1915

Dear diary, Today we went to gallipoli but unfortunately it did not go according to plan. Many lives were gone. people had bombs, knives and guns. People were insane. I got shot once and I went to hospital but I'm fine now. I can't wait until I go home (if i'm still alive) I hope I am. Also my friend Rupert got shot 2 times but he is still alive which is very good. From, Joe.

May 1st 1915

Dear diary, today is a new month which is good for me and my team to build a hut and we are hidden so they can't find us but they are throwing bombs. I've killed a couple of people which is good but I also got bad news because I accidentally killed one of my teammates in my team which is sad. I have killed so many people today but not my teammates, only one of them but I've killed over 20 people in the other team today. I can't wait when the fight ends unless I die, which will be sad.

May 5th 1915

Dear diary Heaps have been going on But i'm still alive. I ran out of bombs and ammo so I asked my teammates for some ammo but luckily someone that is not in my team died in front of me so I picked up his ammo and weapon. We got some food and made a fire so we didn’t die from starvation. Luckily we are saving our food so we don't run out. It is amazing how I'm still alive. I can't wait until i go home

From, Joe

May 10th 1915

Dear diary It is so close until their team is all dead so we might win this. But my friend Rupert died  and has blood all over him. I got shot again today so I went to hospital again which is bad. At least I'm still alive. I also chopped someone's arm off with my mishedey. I'm also surprised. 

May 15th 1915

Dear diary It was mail day today so we my family delivered me some food and stuff that will help me with the fighting they delivered me Stocks of ammo, Anzac biscuits, Meet and a letter that said “Hello Son hope you are doing good with fighting and being a good teammate love your sister and mum”. Also I thought a guy that was not in my team was a teammate so i was talking to him then he pulled out his gun and shot me 3 times but the hospital people gave me CPR and I got stitches. My friend Riley got bombed but since he really fast he dogged it so he is doing good.  We saw a boat with lots of cannons on it so we blew it up and the other team drowned. It was so cold today and I nearly died from hypothermia which was bad. I need to keep fighting so I'll write another diary soon.

From, Joe.

May 20th 1915

Dear diary, Today was a good day today because I did not get hit at all and everyone was protecting each other but not the other team but me and my team got the tank out and killed so many people. Me and my team were insane today but the other team was doing badly. Me and my team dug a massive hold in the middle of the battle field and planted a bomb down there and someone walked into it so that was good. I also killed someone with a knife and backstabbed him. That is why it was a good day today. From, Joe